Designing a Home for Both Wellness and Aesthetics

woman sitting

We all know that feeling of coming home after a long day and just letting out a sigh of relief. Your home is your refuge, your safe space, and it should be a reflection of you. So why settle for anything less than a home that looks good and makes you feel good too?

Creating an aesthetically pleasing space that promotes wellness doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Here are some simple tips to get you started.

Incorporate Nature

Bringing the outdoors in is one of the easiest ways to incorporate wellness into your home. Studies have shown time and time again the benefits of being around nature, from reducing stress levels to improving cognitive function. And there are so many ways to do it!

Start small by adding a few plants to your space, or hang some art with nature-inspired motifs. If you want to go bigger, consider adding a skylight or solar tube to let in more natural light or even installing and using green screen technology.

Regardless of how you choose to do it, adding a touch of nature to your home will make you feel more relaxed and at ease. Make sure to research plants that are safe for pets and children if you have either in your home.

Choose Calming Colors

Did you know that certain colors can impact our mood? It’s true! Cool colors like blue and green tend to be calming, while warmer colors like red and orange can be energizing. So, when choosing paint colors or décor for your home, think about the feeling you want to create in each room and select accordingly.

For example, stick with cooler tones like blues or greens if you want your bedroom to be a restful oasis. Looking for an at-home spa day? Use relaxing lavender hues in the bathroom. This might seem like an overly-simple thing to do, but it really does make a difference in how we feel when we’re in space.

The great thing about this tip is that it’s easy and inexpensive to change up your colors if you get tired of them or want to try something new. So don’t be afraid to experiment!

a person choosing the right color for the house design

Plan Your Furniture

Many homeowners overlook the importance of carefully-selected furniture. However, the variety of these fixtures in your home can heavily dictate its overall ambiance. For example, many imported furniture pieces are designed with certain aesthetics in mind. As a result, they can bring an element of sophistication and elegance to your décor.

Not only that, but furniture can also impact your physical well-being. For example, if you suffer from back pain, you’ll want to make sure you have a comfortable and supportive mattress as well as chairs and couches that offer good lumbar support. If you have trouble sleeping, you might want to consider an adjustable bed frame that lets you elevate your head and feet.

The layout of your furniture can also greatly impact the feel of a room. If you want a space that feels open and inviting, avoid pushing all of your furniture against the walls. Instead, create conversation areas by facing chairs and sofas toward each other. You can also use area rugs to define these spaces.

Declutter & Organize

The state of our homes can greatly impact our mental well-being. Taking the time to declutter and organize can help reduce anxiety and promote calm. When every item has its place, it’s easier to relax both mentally and physically. Plus, an organized home just looks better!

If the thought of decluttering is overwhelming, start small by focusing on one area at a time and work your way up. For example, you might want to start with your bedroom dresser or the kitchen pantry. Once you’ve conquered those, move on to bigger projects like the garage or attic.

If you find that you just can’t seem to get and stay organized, there are professional organizers who can help you create systems that work for your unique needs and lifestyle.

Invest in Quality Air Filters

One final tip for creating a healthy and beautiful home is to make sure you have quality air filters. Not only will this help reduce dust and allergens in the air, but it can also improve your indoor air quality overall. This is especially important if you live in an area with a lot of smog or pollution.

For instance, you might want to consider an air purifier with a HEPA filter if you suffer from allergies or asthma. Or, if you’re looking for something more affordable, you can find quality air filters at your local hardware store. There are a variety of air filters on the market, so make sure to do your research to find the right one for your needs.

Whatever route you choose to go, just make sure you replace your air filters regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Your home should be a reflection of you — a place where you can relax, rejuvenate, and feel your best self. By incorporating nature, choosing calming colors, and decluttering & organizing, you can create a space that is both beautiful and promotes wellness. What tips will you use to make your home feel more like YOU?


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