Make Your Life Exciting by Following These Rules about Living

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Routines give your life structure. They’re invaluable, especially to people who want to feel more in control of their daily experiences. Following the same pattern of work and social activities tend to feel boring after a while. When taking expensive vacations, re-arranging your home, and altering the order of your tasks don’t suffice to make your days more satisfying, you need new rules in life to follow.

These four rules aren’t just intended to get you temporarily excited before you settle back into your old routine. They’re meant to become new habits that will guarantee new experiences, lessons, and acquaintances that are sure to get you excited with your everyday life.

Try Different Events

Different people are inclined towards different events. If you’re into personal development, then you’ll naturally gravitate towards seminars featuring motivational speakers. If you’re into literature, you’re probably up-to-date with the workshops, book launches, and book signing events in your locality. But what if you attend an event that you’ve never tried before? It could be a seminar on investments, filmmaking, dancing, or anything that you’re even remotely curious about but have never tried.

The idea behind this is to step out of your comfort zone and expand your world. Attending these events gives you the opportunity to learn more and meet new people. These new people in your social circle can introduce you to new opportunities that might’ve otherwise been closed to you.

Try Different Activities

Keeping things exciting in your life is all about the small decisions. You don’t have to attend that expensive yoga retreat if you can’t. You can try a new instructor, a new workout, or a new venue. Even a new yoga outfit will do.

The same applies to your usual activities with your friends. Instead of restaurant-hopping or staycationing in another hotel, why not try haunted house attractions? Create a list of the attractions within your vicinity, and tick them off one by one. This not only gives you something to look forward to, but it also keeps your experiences with your friends fresh and interesting.

Remember that the different activities you should aim for don’t always have to be complicated or costly. They have to make the experience feel new again. Moreover, it’s alright if you don’t like each of the activities you try. Maybe you find that you’re not such a huge fan of trampoline parks, but that horror attractions surprisingly make you happy. Consider it a journey of self-discovery so that you now have a better idea of things you like and don’t like.


Try Different Genres

If adding something different to your regular activities isn’t something you can do consistently, trying a different genre of everything is a simple and fun way to keep the boredom at bay.

Voracious readers of historical fiction can try sci-fi or crime fiction for a change. Lovers of horror movies can switch to romantic comedies and drama to see if they might actually like films in these genres. The same applies to music. Ask your significant other to share their playlist with you, or listen to an entire album by an artist you’ve only just heard of.

It’s also a great idea to attend virtual concerts by different artists, as this will give you a better understanding of their genre and why their fans are so devoted to them.

As you go from one genre to another, your knowledge expands, and you’ll grow a deeper appreciation for the media available to you. It might even help you connect better with your friends and family.

Try Different Foods

Food can define an entire experience. People looking to make their daily lives more exciting can benefit greatly from eating different kinds of food. You can follow this rule when you eat out and when you dine at home. In fact, cooking these foods yourself could make the experience so much more meaningful.

Are you a fan of Japanese food? Why not create a menu of your favorite Japanese dishes and try making them yourself next week? Switch it up to Italian food the next, and maybe Thai cuisines the following month. They don’t have to be grand; they have to engage your pallet and make each meal more interesting.

Invest in Better Choices

Making your life more exciting is all about investing in new and better choices daily. From wearing a different outfit to booking tickets for a different tourist attraction, you can always find simple means to mix things up and keep you excited about life.


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