Do I Need to Go to a Doctor for Hemorrhoids?


Hemorrhoids are more common than you think and you should not be embarrassed if you have them. Most symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as mild pain, discomfort, and itching, could be treated right in your own home with OTC remedies. On the other hand, there are cases when a visit to your doctor is warranted. Fortunately, lots of individuals do seek medical treatment, whether to obtain a prescription medication or hemorrhoid surgery.

What Exactly Are Hemorrhoids?

Basically, hemorrhoids are irritated, swollen veins around the anus and the rectum’s lowest area. Hemorrhoids also come in two types, external and internal. External hemorrhoids occur around the anus and under the skin and may appear as purplish or pinkish bumps. Since they are in an area with lots of nerves that sense pain, they usually feel painful and may bleed.

Internal hemorrhoids, on the other hand, are located inside the rectum. They are typically painless and you may only notice them when you see bright red blood following a bowel movement. Anything that could increase pressure in your anus and lower rectum could lead to inflammation in these parts and cause hemorrhoids. This could happen if you are struggling when trying to pass a stool, are pregnant, obese, or when lifting heavy objects.

When Should You See a Doctor?

Although severe complications from hemorrhoids are extremely rare, it is crucial that you know when to see a doctor for hemorrhoids treatments. Generally speaking, anytime that you feel rectal pain, a lump in your anus, or bleeding, you should visit your doctor in Salt Lake City just to make certain that the cause of your symptoms is not very serious.

consulting to doctor

In some cases, even less serious circumstances could prompt a consultation with your doctor. For example, if you have been trying to get rid of your hemorrhoids with at-home remedies to no avail, a visit to your physician makes perfect sense. In addition, if you have a history of recurring hemorrhoids and suddenly find that your typical go-to treatments in the past are no longer working, then visit your doctor as soon as possible.

While having bothersome hemorrhoid symptoms could be reason enough for some people to go see their physician, you can use this simple checklist to determine when a visit to your doctor is a must.

  • If your hemorrhoids are causing significant discomfort and pain
  • If you have any kind of rectal bleeding
  • If you are passing stools that look like they have blood (can be bright red or maroon in color)
  • If you are experiencing a substantial amount of bleeding in your rectum along with faintness or dizziness — this could be an emergency for some people
  • If your symptoms worsen despite OTC and home remedies

While a lot of people consider hemorrhoids as a minor issue, you should not let that concept prevent you from seeking professional help. Keep in mind that while hemorrhoids could cause great discomfort, they should not cause agonizing pain. Your ultimate goal is to get relief, and for tons of people, this means going to the doctor.


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