Minimalist Wedding Ideas for Your Special Day

Wedding decor. Wooden plaque with the inscription Wedding. Wedding on a plate green background and a fountain. Wedding decorations,

Many couples choose a minimalist theme to highlight the most important parts and downtone the things that can go without much flair. Discover the most popular minimalist wedding ideas that can make your wedding more personal and elegant.

As minimalism continues to gain momentum in architecture and interior design, modern weddings are also getting the minimalism treatment that is so trendy today. The simplified perspective of minimalism can give your wedding a more personal taste, but without sacrificing the quality of your special day. As the wedding planning process in London and other areas dives deeper into the minimalism trend, here are some ideas to inspire you:

Choose a simple color palette

A simple color palette can highlight the best elements of the occasion while still looking classy. When planning your wedding motif, choose a color palette that is comprised of two to three colors only, then work with your wedding planner to incorporate those colors into the design.

Use less deco

The decor is among the most expensive aspects of weddings. Even small things such as welcome signs, placemats, and aisle markers can rack up the price of your wedding. To truly live out the minimalist theme, use less decor. Prioritize the key pieces, such as the centerpieces and escort cards. Moreover, it’s better to use natural or refurbished decor to minimize cost and avoid waste.

Go digital with your wedding invitations

Everybody is on the Internet nowadays, so take advantage of that when sending out your wedding invitations. Instead of spending time and money on printed invitations, design your own digital invitation or have a graphic artist do it for you. It is environmentally-friendly and cheap, but it will still get your invitations across. Besides, it’s easier to send real-time updates if you send your invites through the net.

Have only one type of flower

Flowers are expensive. Unfortunately, they wilt quickly and won’t be of much use after the wedding. Sure, they can make the wedding look extravagant, but do you really need a lot of them? Many weddings today go ‘monoflower’ or use only one type of flower for the whole wedding. From the aisle decor to the bouquet, only one type of flower can be used for a more elegant look, and it’s cheaper, too.

Think your party favors through

The party favor is an integral part of the wedding since it will be something for the guests to remember. Traditionally, party favors are complicated and can be comprised of multiple unnecessary items. To go minimalist, why not opt for an item that is highly usable but is beautifully packaged? A fancy scented candle or a bar of environmentally-friendly soap are just some of the best examples.

Minimize the registry

Wedding setting

By minimizing your gift registry, you’re lifting the pressure off your guests and making it easier for them to get gifts for you. Instead of unnecessary or over-the-top gifts, ask your guests for things that are truly useful but are reasonable, such as gift certificates or donations for the honeymoon fund.

Planning a wedding shouldn’t take the fun out of it. With these minimalist ideas, you can minimize your cost while alleviating the stress that traditional wedding planning can bring.


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