The Practical Guide to Keeping a Home Safe For Retirement

senior couple

Reaching the golden years should all be about relaxation and enjoyment. But if a person is hoping to age in their forever home, it’s only practical to prepare for the possible challenges that it can bring.

A retiree’s home plays a crucial role in their safety and overall happiness. That’s why it’s vital to learn how to make it as safe to live in as possible. When running an in-home care business franchise, it’s essential to know all the things that can make your clients happy. So, if your client prefers to stay at home, then it’s only best to give them the best options to make it happen. So, how do you get a home ready for retirement?

Monitor the temperature

As a person gets older, temperature sensitivity will also change along with it. So, simple things such as too much heat or cold can feel annoying to an older person. That’s why it’s essential to pay attention to insulation and weather stripping. It’s also crucial to double-pane the windows so that the home’s interior gets proper insulation. Meanwhile, during the warm months, placing fans in all rooms is an excellent way to promote air circulation.

Choose the right flooring

Senior citizens are very much prone to slips and accidents. That’s why it’s crucial to choose the right materials to prevent it from happening. You can choose soft and smooth surfaces like rubber and cork for the flooring. These materials are more delicate to the joint and won’t pose any trip accidents.

When installing new flooring, you need to ensure that it’s smooth and level. Meanwhile, if there are areas with uneven structures, it’s best to change the material, color, or texture to act as a signal. Avoid using shiny surfaces or solid patterns to prevent it from affecting their depth perception.

Create a senior-friendly kitchen

couple having a meal

When renovating the kitchen, it’s essential to add a surface area where they can sit while preparing their meals. Bear in mind that standing for hours can take a toll on their knees. Also, consider building an island with wheels at the bottom. It should be at a height where they can still find it easier to use even when in a wheelchair. Also, it’s best not to install cabinets hanging on top of the stove. It can pose a health hazard, especially if the senior person has balance impairment. Instead, add drawers under the countertops.

Ensure that the bathroom is slip-proof

The bathroom is one of the most accident-prone areas in any part of the house. That’s why you need to be very keen to detail when renovating it. If you’re planning to build a new shower, it’s best to choose base-row wall tiles with the opposite design and texture with the floor tiles to make it easier for them to tell the difference between the floor and the wall. It would help if you also used a shower curtain instead of sliding shower doors, so they won’t get into any accidents.

Having a well-planned home will not only make any senior happy, but it’ll also provide them with a safe space. Although these changes may seem small, these improvements can make a massive difference to their lives.


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