The Most Common Exercise-related Injuries

injury treatment

Exercising regularly can make you stronger. Your body needs physical activity to stave off illnesses and live longer. However, you need to be careful whenever you exercise. One wrong move may result in a minor or serious injury.

Here are the most common workout injuries and how to prevent them and treat them:

Runner’s Knee

Knee injuries are one of the most common exercise-related injuries. Anyone, whether young or old, may experience discomfort or pain in the knee area.

Runner’s knee, for example, is caused when the cartilage underneath your kneecaps is irritated. As its name suggests, the ailment is typically experienced by runners but it can happen to everyone. It can be prevented by strengthening your hip, glute, and quad muscles. Learning proper running techniques and wearing the right running shoes can minimize your risk.

If the discomfort or pain persists, call a doctor. You may need knee pain treatment to get you running or exercising again.

Lower Back Pain

Lifting heavy objects, including free weights, may lead to lower back pain. Lower back pain is often caused by the straining of the muscle around the spine or damage to the spinal disc.

Weightlifting is a risk factor for lower back injuries. When you try to lift more than the amount that you can or if the position of your spine during exercise is not correct, you may experience discomfort or pain.

It is best not to attempt exercises that you have not done before on your own. Learn the proper posture, right lifting techniques, and, most importantly, start with the lightest weight. You can always advance to the next level when you have gained strength.

Shoulder Pain

An injury to the rotator cuff is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain. It occurs due to training errors and exercising too frequently without giving the muscles and tendon time to heal. Usually, patients hear a pop before their shoulders start to hurt or swell.

To avoid shoulder injuries, learn proper form when lifting free weights. You should also allow yourself to rest and recuperate in between workouts. Treatment of rotator cuff injuries may involve taking anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, or surgery.

Pulled/Torn Hamstring

injured kneeIf you play sports that involve a lot of sprinting with sudden starts and stops, you are at risk of gaining a hamstring injury.

During exercise, you may strain or pull one of the three muscles along the back of your thigh. You may experience a sudden sharp pain or a tearing sensation followed by swelling and tenderness. You may also see bruising in the affected area. Other symptoms of a hamstring injury include muscle weakness.

A mild case does not require a visit to the doctor. Rest would be enough for the hamstring to heal on its own. Just keep your leg elevated and apply an ice pack to relieve the pain.

However, if the pain is stopping you from performing regular activities, you need to visit a doctor. They may ask you to use a cane or crutches to prevent you from using the injured muscle. They may also prescribe ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce the inflammation.

To prevent hamstring injuries, you need to do strength and stretching exercises regularly.

Before you workout, do some warming up exercises to prevent injuries. When you feel discomfort or pain, listen to your body and stop. You would not want a minor injury to become serious if you keep exercising.


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