Delaying the Signs of Aging: Wrinkle Prevention Tips

Wrinkles are ridges, creases, or folds that appear in the skin. These are a natural part of aging and affect everyone. Wrinkles are most prominent on parts of the skin that are most exposed to sunlight, like the face, neck, and arms. Wrinkles may be inevitable, but there are ways to slow them down and even prevent the formation of new ones.

What Causes Wrinkles?

Age: As we get older, it is natural for the skin naturally to become less elastic and more delicate. The decrease in the production of natural oils with age causes the skin to dry, giving it a wrinkled appearance. Simultaneously, fat stored in the deep layers of our skin is depleted, causing loose, saggy skin with pronounced lines.

Ultraviolet (UV) light: Exposure to ultraviolet radiation hastens the natural aging process. UV light breaks down the skin’s collagen and elastin fibers which make up connective tissues in the dermal layer of the skin. Without these, the skin weakens and loses its flexibility.

Smoking: Smoking affects the natural collagen on the skin—effects that accelerate its usual aging process.

Habitual facial expressions: Facial movements such as smiling or squinting can lead to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Every time a facial muscle is exerted, grooves form beneath the skin’s surface. Skin loses flexibility as it ages and is less resilient. The grooves on the facial muscles may then become permanent.

Treatment for Wrinkles

Many people are unhappy with the appearance of wrinkles, so much so that the anti-aging industry is worth at least $50 billion annually, and this is in the US alone. There are several treatments to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. More aggressive techniques might be required for deeper creases.

Medication: Topical retinoids are derived from vitamin A. Retinoids are formulated to increase collagen production in the skin, reducing its roughness, hyperpigmentation, and fine wrinkles.

Botulinum Toxin: Botox blocks the chemicals that cause muscle contractions. This treatment can diminish the lines on the forehead, frown lines found in between the eyes, and what’s known as “crow’s feet” that appear on the corners of the eyes. Small doses of Botox are injected into the targeted muscles to prevent them from tightening. This results in a flatter and smoother appearance of the skin.

Chemical Peels: This involves the application of a chemical solution to the target areas, resulting in the shedding of dead skin cells. The skin that regenerates after the peeling tends to be smoother.

Dermal Fillers: Soft tissue fillers like collagen, hyaluronic acid, or fat are injected into deeper wrinkles, resulting in smoother and plump skin.

Surgical Facelifts: A rhytidectomy (or facelift) is a cosmetic surgery that typically involves the removal of some skin and fat from the face. Some procedures include tightening the tissues beneath the skin.

Erasing wrinkles and other unwelcome facial lines is now easier with technology and treatment. Be sure to book an appointment with a licensed professional on an aesthetics website like Accredited clinics utilize safe and scientifically approved technology.

Preventing Wrinkles

Sun Protection: It’s been established that sun exposure has damaging effects on the skin, resulting in premature aging, especially wrinkles. A study has found that regular use of sunscreen use can slow down the skin’s aging. To protect the skin from harmful UV rays, use sunscreen with an SPF of 30-50 daily.

Retinoids: Also known as retinol, retinoids positively affect collagen production, giving more volume to the skin. They likewise promote skin and blood vessel regeneration, which contribute to better skin texture and appearance.

Moisturize: Moisturizers help to hydrate and nourish the skin. Research suggests that moisturizers containing vitamin C and hyaluronic acid are particularly effective in preventing the formation and the worsening of wrinkles.

Stay Hydrated: Water has been studied and found essential to keep skin hydrated and healthy from within.

Healthy Diet: A 2019 study revealed that diet could be linked to the formation of facial wrinkles, especially among women. Women whose diets consist of red meat and unhealthy snacks in high amounts tend to have more wrinkles than women whose regular diets include fruit. Make it a habit to eat more food with high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as these improve the skin’s elasticity, protecting it from damage and premature aging. Some examples include green tea, salmon, olive oil, avocados, flax seeds, among many others.

If even the mere thought of wrinkles causes you unhappiness, know that there are things we can do to delay them, as well as treatment options to help smooth them out or make them less visible. We can’t stop time and growing old. And while it’s true that there is wisdom in acting our age, it doesn’t mean we need to look old.


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