How First-time Dog Parents Can Practice Self-care Better

a good boy

There are a ton of reasons why dog lovers chose the path of dog parenting. Sure, you can always love dogs but not take responsibility for owning and caring for a pooch full-time. But due to many what-ifs and why-not, you decided to dive into adopting a pup. Now, you are reaping the benefits of owning a dog. But then, you realized that there is more to being a dog parent than meets the eye.

Dogs can indeed be instant mood lifters. A study shows that pets can improve the lives of their owners. But that does not mean dog ownership is all rainbows and butterflies. Having a dog is a big responsibility, no matter how young or small your pooch is. Aside from making sure they get to receive the kind of care they need and deserve, there are also expenses to pay for owning a dog alone.

You may end up devoting much of your time, making sure your dog gets everything they need on top of your other tasks. The added responsibility can mean losing time to care for yourself. But skimping on self-care can lead to stress, anxiety, and even health problems. If you want to make sure to stay on top of your responsibilities while being a great parent to your fur baby, it is only a must that you practice self-care. Here’s how you can take better care of yourself even if you are a busy pet owner.

Invest in dog training

Training your dog offer tons of benefits, including more time for you to engage in self-care. For instance, crate training your dog will make it easier for you to leave them for a while so you can run errands, report to work, or even fulfill your hobbies. Housebreaking, on the other hand, gives you less mess to deal with. You have the option to train your dog yourself or work with a dog trainer who can help you navigate dog training. The more things your dog knows and the better he knows how to behave, the more time you can carve up for self-care.

another good boy playing with a ball

Get social with your pooch

Dogs may love your company, but they also crave to be social with other dogs and people. By letting your dog socialize, you can get your daily dose of exercise and fresh air. This gives you more reasons to socialize with others and even make new friends. The more you go out and the more people you interact with, the more you can improve your mental health. You get to enjoy a sense of belonging, which is something everyone needs.

Enlist help from a friend or a pro

Dog ownership maybe your own decision. But that does not mean you can no longer ask someone else for help so you can enjoy the things you like doing sans your pooch. There can be activities you wish to engage in without having to watch over for your new buddy. You can ask a friend to dog-sit for you or hire a dog walker to take your dog out while you rest, do yoga or hang out with friends. You can opt for pet boarding if you require a pro to dog sit your pooch for many hours or even days.

Being a dog parent is a tough job. But it does not mean you can no longer have time to take good care of yourself. Know that you can always navigate self-care while also being a great pet owner.


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