Decorating with House Plants: Tame Hay Fever the Aesthetic Way

wooden house in a secluded area

Every spring, your reliable ENT probably reminds you about watching out for pollen, and keeping your stash of allergy essentials close. This can be a burden, as hay fever can stop you from enjoying the beautiful cherry blossoms and the nice, cool weather outside.

If your case is borderline severe that you can’t go out anymore, maybe you can bring a piece of the outdoors into your home. Decorating with indoor plants may be the way to soothe your allergies, and spruce up your space at the same time.

Let’s learn about a few popular houseplants here, and see if they can help in taming your bothersome hay fever:

1. Peace Lily

This bloom can filter out trichloroethylene and formaldehyde, helping ease symptoms of hay fever. It’s low-maintenance, requiring only minimal water and cool temperatures. Just place it in a shaded area, like a corner in your bedroom, and give the space more life and color.

2. Philodendron

Philodendrons are one of the most commonly used indoor plants for generations now. They also filter out formaldehyde, making them a good houseplant for homeowners with allergic rhinitis. But unlike peace lilies, philodendrons require more sunlight, so they have to placed on a spot indirectly hit by the sun’s rays. If their leaves turn yellow, it means they’re getting too much light, so move it a bit farther from the sun. On the other hand, if its stems become spindly, give it more light, because it isn’t getting enough.

3. Aloe Vera

This famous plant is praised for it multiple benefits, which include soothing burns and cuts. It was also found that it can help in eliminating indoor air pollutants, such as the particles found in chemical cleaning products. You’ll it notice it doing its job when its leaves turn brown, signaling that the air is filled with toxins.

However, aloe vera didn’t make it to NASA’s Clean Air Study, which determined the plants that can thrive in closed environments. That’s because the study recommended plants that can block out allergens in the air, such as those mentioned above. Hence, if you’re keeping this plant, it may not be enough to stop your symptoms.

home garden

4. Areca Palm

If you want to adorn bare corners with a tall plant or potted tree, an areca palm is a good choice. It can humidify the air, helping soothe hay fever symptoms. A full-grown areca palm is pricey, though, so buyers typically choose the small, tabletop variety to save money.

Areca palms need bright, indirect sunlight from south- or west-facing windows. If their leaves turn yellowish-green, they’re overdosing in light, so move it a bit farther from the window.

5. Lady Finger Palm

Another air-purifying indoor tree is a lady finger palm, which is perfect for homes with tropical vibes. Place it in a corner near an east-facing window to give it the sunlight it needs. If you want to make it taller, re-pot it every two years, increasing the size of the pot each time until it reaches your desired height. When you’re satisfied, you no longer need to increase the pot size when you’re re-potting.

General Care for Indoor Plants

Even if these plants help alleviate hay fever symptoms, they could still do the opposite if not cared for properly. If all you do is leave them in a corner and water them when needed, they’ll collect dust that may become an allergen in the air. Therefore, run a duster over them every day, or wipe them down with a damp paper towel once a week. Water them when their soil starts to feel dry to the touch.

If tended well, these gorgeous indoor plants will make your space more appealing, and your hay fever symptoms significantly reduced. Unlike the beds of flowers outside, these blooms and greens won’t let you down.


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