Before the Storm: How to Prepare Young Trees

Tree planting

Storms can be devastating for trees, more so if it is young. Find out how you can prepare your young tree before the storm hits your area.

The best way to save a tree from storm damage is to prepare it before the winds start picking up. Doing this is especially essential for young trees that have little to no defense against strong winds, hail, and rain. So if a storm is heading to your area, here’s how you can get your young tree ready for it:

1. Plant smartly

If you’re not sure where to place your tree, seek help from a tree care company in Salt Lake City, for example, that caters to tree fertilization, pruning, insect control, and other tree care services. The best way to protect a tree, as well as other objects around them, from storm damage is by planting it in a strategic place. In general, a tree should have enough rooting space away from sidewalks, structures, and fencing, as well as adequate space around the trunk (3×3 meters for small trees and 10×10 meters for large trees).

By planting trees correctly, they will have enough anchoring in the ground to prevent them from becoming uprooted during a storm. Moreover, having enough space around a young tree will prevent it from damaging other objects if the branches happen to fall off.

2. Install support stakes

A young tree can easily fall over due to high-powered winds. To prevent this from happening to your tree, stake it down to the ground. You can do this by tying durable fabric around the tree and wooden or metal stakes, then hammering down the stakes deep into the ground. The tension in the stakes will prevent the tree from becoming uprooted when the wind pushes it excessively in one direction.

3. Cover the tree

Another great way to protect a young tree from wind and rain is by using a tree cover. Use a sturdy type of protection that is heavy enough to not fly off during a storm but not too heavy that it weighs down on the tree. Then, enclose the tree in the cover from the top to the bottom of the trunk. Secure the material with duct tape. This strategy also works best with staking the covered tree to the ground.

After the storm, don’t forget to take off the cover so that the tree can receive sunlight again.

Cutting a tree4. Proper tree care

To keep a tree healthy and safe no matter the weather, make sure to take care of it all-year-round. Ensure that the tree is well-hydrated to prevent branches from weakening and the leaves from falling off. It’s also a good idea to fertilize the tree so that it gets enough nutrition, especially if it’s planted in subpar soil.

5. Transplant the tree

If it’s a particularly heavy storm that’s coming your way, consider uprooting your tree and replanting it when the storm is over. An arborist can do this for you, or you can do it yourself by digging around the tree (making sure the root system is intact) and wrapping the bottom part in burlap until it’s ready to be replanted after the storm.

Taking the time to prepare young trees for the storm is better than ending up with a bunch of dead trees afterward. If a storm is coming your way, use these tips to protect your new trees against the harsh winds and rain.


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