A New Pursuit: Hobbies that Seniors Might Want to Try

senior couple exercising together

Today, many seniors are already retired from work. However, their bodies and mind can still crave some activities that will keep them busy. At this point, their activities must be physically and mentally stimulating.

Having a new hobby for seniors will benefit them in a lot of ways. For one, it can give them a fresh perspective on life – the kind that they have not considered before. They will also maintain their social connections, as some activities might require them to meet their friends and new people. And their minds will remain sharp.

In case you have a senior at home, you can encourage them to find a new hobby. Here is a list that you might want to check out:

Hobby #1: Gardening

Among the best ways to stay physically active during your senior’s retirement is gardening. It does not just burn calories and encourage your loved one to move, but it also helps them find zen and mindfulness during stress. It also exposes people to the sun, which results in getting their recommended Vitamin D. In case there is no space in your garden, you can have them take care of their plants indoor. To sustain their new passion, you might want to give them new supplies and equipment from a store specializing in horticulture.

Hobby #2: A New Language

Learning a new language might sound like a strange hobby for seniors, but it has many benefits. Many studies and show that learning a new language can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s by as many as four years. A new language can also help seniors communicate more efficiently with locals when traveling internationally. If your loved one wants to approach language learning through a different route, you can encourage them to teach English instead.

old woman on wheelchair

Hobby #3: Traveling

Some seniors are strong enough to run marathons and still have the endurance to do heavy activities. If your loved one is still in this phase, why not take them with you when traveling. This hobby will push your loved one from their comfort zone, letting them experience life with excitement. This will also improve their moods and stimulate their minds, knowing that new sights, food, and people can be thrilling. Check out their bucket list to see if there is one particular place they want to visit.

Hobby #4: Play a new instrument

Some believe that old dogs can’t be taught new tricks. However, that is not always absolutely correct. It should not be surprising that seniors pick a new instrument to play. Some learn how to play the guitar and the piano. Such activities do not only improve their dexterity or motor skills, but these also help them keep their minds sharp.

Hobbies spice up life

In the end, there are still many activities out there that seniors can try to enjoy. They can do photography, scrapbooking, quilting, and swimming. Regardless of their choice of hobby, having a new pursuit is one way of encouraging seniors to have a fresh zest for life.


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